Since the choir began in 2010, regular concerts have always been presented free-of-admission: free-will offerings have been solicited from the audience in support of a featured local charity. Each featured charity participates in the concert as presenters and a symbolic cheque (and a real one) is presented to them at the close of the concert.
. Support for local Charities in the past 6 years:
OVE President Fred Larsen presents a record-breaking cheque to Chris Peacock of the "Sharing Place" Food Centre (Food Bank) of Orillia.
WE raised $20,200 for the Sharing Place!
We raised $5,604 for the Born to Read Program
OVE President Fred larsen presents the donation cheque to CC President Neil Gray
We raised $6,825 for the Conservancy!
OVE Director Blair Bailey and president Fred Larsen presents the donation cheque to Red Cross staffer.
We raised $7,210 for the Red Cross!
The following list shows each of the charities supported by the OVE through fund-raising concerts: Click or Tap on the Charity Icon to go to the related website.
Requests for Support: To apply to request support for your organization in a future concert, please contact our business manager Carol Benedetti at NOTE: Only local Orillia local and regional charities are eligible.
The "Sharing Place" Food Bank
With thanks to the CC office team for their assistance.
CC Executive Director Mark Bisset acted as our very popular Master-of-Ceremonies.
The Canadian Red Cross
The Red Cross fund for Ukraine relief
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